The Body Has Left In Pieces

first it was the legs that simply disappeared
then the arms took the hands and left in quiet prayer
a torso should be enough to hold a head high but the heart just isn’t there
the spine is still intact and continues to play along though it abnormally curves in fear
when the eyes align
I swear I’m alive
but the body isn’t here



in a heavy fog I am swallowed
washed out of my skin
peeled at every layer

any doctor could take a bite
chart my territory in a book
mark me for my subjects
and when they are through

sertraline is waiting
she is gray
she is blue
she matches me in mood

and I
treat her better
than strawberry fields

her ability is greater
her strength is true
and when I take her
I am washed away
washed away

a different kind of new

Orbs And Funnels And….

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Speaking of cobwebs we were
just sitting upright
gulping venom
from her breast
choking on slivers of
her silk line
rocked by her black belly
slow burn

when she would spin, spin, spin

wrapping our full-bodies in shame
trapping us as prey
feeding off our guilt

until we bled out

The Rule Is This

bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder Photo by Jacob Mejicanos on Unsplash

I am not a rule or a thumb
I am after the math changes
like when he comes and then leaves

on the black pavement, they don’t move –
they are yellow and dead
and glued by storm

without lightning, I cannot burn
without worship, I am empty
words do not matter

but I want them all
the words
the matter
the exalt

If I bleed out – don’t scream at me
for doing it wrong


in here

oxygen has stopped moving
a body is melting over a dream
that is alive and well
an intention


we intertwine like parasites
we love like decay

i could be convinced to move out of here
but every moon begs for this same

and I am no moon