Seas Of Insanity pt 1

Faintly nights
sail me out to bad seas

where phantom mermaids
sprout silver razor fangs,

the evil legion

They breed for war company,
not companionship.

My body floats through a
night vision,


my color changes to corrupt
salty thin waves shift
to fit
a temporal sea.

These are MY waters!
Taken by vicious fish women
unstable nets
to the West way I wander in

my abducted waters arrest me
in mesh tangles and drag me
down deep,
to the bottom of the bad sea.

It is here where I find them,
or they find me,

sick ghostly’s with their guns
and their sabres,
with their sick hats and masks.

I find them in mirrors, metal trays,
window glass, silver spoons,
lurking as gauzy shadows

at the bottom of the mad
bad seas,

They are women,

jumping from balconies,
blasting out their brains,
taking madness away from themselves and
handing it back to me,

in fins
and ferocious teeth that finally drag me
away from the mad, bad seas

away from uncertainty,
from faintly nights

to meet
the first blush of the sky
over seas of insanity.

22 thoughts on “Seas Of Insanity pt 1

  1. Whoa! I don’t think I can even find the deep places in my soul from which you write. My ramblings must appear superficial to you. Your words have a tail of fire behind them, like little comets, zinging the page.

  2. These stanzas will stick with me –

    I find them in mirrors, metal trays,
    window glass, silver spoons,
    lurking as gauzy shadows

    at the bottom of the mad
    bad seas,

    They are women,

  3. Dear Maggie Mae,
    I love your mission and your poetry. I am planning an anthology of poetry from people who care of suffer from mental illness. If you would like to contribute one or more of your poems please contact me. It will be called Slamming for sanity and I will donate all proceeds to anti bullying, and kids mental health. If you know anyone else who might be interested. Please refer my blog. Aloha and I love your imagery in your poetry.

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